
Finance, Human Resources and Administration Department

The key functions of the Director Finance, Human Resources and Administration Department are to: –

  1. Superintend over the formulation, implementation and evaluation of financial management, administration and human resources management systems, policies and procedures to ensure effective and efficient management of the Ministry’s operations
  2. Oversee the adherence to statutory requirements and the Accounting Officers instructions by the Ministry as stipulated in the Public Finance Management Act in respect of the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements for appropriation, statutory and donor fund for the Ministry.
  3. Preside over the preparation of estimates of expenditure for both recurrent and capital requirements including the Public Sector Investment programme for the Ministry.
  4. Develop strategies for the mobilization and control of financial resources to ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet ongoing operational and Public Sector Investment Programmes (PSIP) requirements.
  5. Monitor the management of all the financial resources from appropriation, statutory funds, development partners and State Enterprises and Parastatals under the Ministry.
  6. Coordinate the production of audit statements of Accounts for ministry funds and all State Enterprises and Parastatals under the Ministry to facilitate regular reporting and the preparation of responses to Audit observations raised by the Chief Internal Auditor of the Ministry and the Auditor General’s Office.
  7. Superintend over the management and maintenance of the Ministry’s movable and immovable assets and provide the annual Assets Certificate for the Ministry.
  8. Superintend over transport and stores management in the Ministry.
  9. Coordinate research and innovation on contemporary management trends to learn and adopt best practices in general administration and assets management and control.
  10. Formulate in liaison with Government Protective Security Intelligence (GPSI) effective security policies on Government buildings
  11. Oversee the conduct of boards of inquiries to assess monetary value on damages to state property.
  12. Create and maintain relationships with service providers and contractors.
  13. Facilitate and coordinate the identification, development, management, nurturing and placement of fit for purpose human resources in all job categories in the Ministry in concurrence with the Accounting Officer and with the approval of the Public Service Commission.
  14. Provide for the control and management and accounting for the Employment Cost Vote for the
  15. Oversee the adherence of the Ministry to existing Public Service Human Resources Policies and Regulations and Procedures.
  16. Oversee the development, implementation and management of the Human Resources Development Plans for the Ministry.
  17. Superintend over the management and institutionalization of the Performance Management System in the Ministry.
  18. Recommend appropriate staff establishments/manning levels for the Ministry to the Accounting Officer for consideration by the Public Service Commission.
  19. Coordinate research and innovation on contemporary management trends to learn and adopt best practices in financial administration, human resources, general administration and assets management and control.
  20. Oversee the establishment and maintenance of a database on the Ministry’s finances and human resources and other assets and resources, to facilitate the generation of reports on the same.